History and developing procedure of personal dosimetery services in Iran




History and developing procedure of personal dosimetry services from start of film badge and TLD dosimetry services by legal authority as well as out sourcing of services presented in this article. Also results obtained from participation in regional intercomparisondosimetryprogram (phases 1 and 2) planned by international atomic energy agency (IAEA) presented and discussed. Results of film badge and TLD shows that these methods meet the criteria of external dosimetry standards as well as acceptable uncertainty. Average ratio of measured dose to true dose for film badge was measured to be 1.17 and 1.03 in phase 1 and 2 respectively which shows theimprovement of the results.TLD shows a better results comparing to film badge, for which average of response measured to be 1.1 and 0.94 for phase 1 and 2 respectively. 


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