Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
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Sadremomtaz, A. and Kazemian, M. R. (2023). Simulation of long-lived activation products in nuclear reactor biological shield by MCNP and ORIGEN-S. Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement, 11(5), 83-87.
Sadremomtaz, A. , and Kazemian, M. R. . "Simulation of long-lived activation products in nuclear reactor biological shield by MCNP and ORIGEN-S", Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement, 11, 5, 2023, 83-87.
Sadremomtaz, A., Kazemian, M. R. (2023). 'Simulation of long-lived activation products in nuclear reactor biological shield by MCNP and ORIGEN-S', Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement, 11(5), pp. 83-87.
A. Sadremomtaz and M. R. Kazemian, "Simulation of long-lived activation products in nuclear reactor biological shield by MCNP and ORIGEN-S," Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement, 11 5 (2023): 83-87,
Sadremomtaz, A., Kazemian, M. R. Simulation of long-lived activation products in nuclear reactor biological shield by MCNP and ORIGEN-S. Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement, 2023; 11(5): 83-87.