In the presented work an industrial and medical based radiography system is fabricated. To design a proper system first of all four sub domain of the whole system is considered namely known as control system, transformer driver, multiplier and hosing system. To control the entire system a Wi-Fi and remote controllable mechanism is considered also it is expected by this controlling system the operator can be in the safe distance from the x ray. On the other hand, to drive a transformer that feeds the multiplier a suitable driver is used based on the x ray tube performance and a chine of multiplier that generates enough voltage deference in the chosen tube is designed. Finally tube hosing that prevents x-ray from scattering in the lab environment is fabricated which is been presented in another paper.
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Ahmadi, M. , Ebrahimpor, S. , Ahmadi, M. T. and Goudarzi, H. (2023). Design and fabrication of X- ray radiography system. Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement, 11(5), 201-204.
Ahmadi, M. , , Ebrahimpor, S. , , Ahmadi, M. T. , and Goudarzi, H. . "Design and fabrication of X- ray radiography system", Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement, 11, 5, 2023, 201-204.
Ahmadi, M., Ebrahimpor, S., Ahmadi, M. T., Goudarzi, H. (2023). 'Design and fabrication of X- ray radiography system', Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement, 11(5), pp. 201-204.
M. Ahmadi , S. Ebrahimpor , M. T. Ahmadi and H. Goudarzi, "Design and fabrication of X- ray radiography system," Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement, 11 5 (2023): 201-204,
Ahmadi, M., Ebrahimpor, S., Ahmadi, M. T., Goudarzi, H. Design and fabrication of X- ray radiography system. Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement, 2023; 11(5): 201-204.