Monte Carlo calculation of neutron activation by Am-Be neutron source in Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Modern Technologies, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran


Radioisotopes were usually produced by reactors and cyclotron and linear accelerators. In this research, we try to use the Monte Carlo method using MCNP code to simulate neutron activation by the neutron source of Kerman and to investigate the interest of the produced radioisotopes. For this purpose, X-ray powder diffraction is used to detect the constituent elements of these materials. Neutron activation requires a source to bombard the sample, which produces the radioisotope of the elements. Each radioisotope emits a specific spectrum that can be used to determine the concentration of elements in it. The result of the study using the MCNP code shows that it is possible to produce a radioactive source by Kerman neutron source. Radioisotope 36Cl has the highest production interest among the materials irradiated by Kerman neutron source. Therefore, Kerman neutron source can be used to produce suitable radioisotopes for nuclear laboratories.


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