Feasibility study of silicon doping potential in Tehran research reactor thermal column



Production of semiconductors such as silicon doped with phosphorus has many applications in the production of electronic components and various industries such as aerospace. The process of impurity making, which is called silicon doping, can be done by both chemical and nuclear methods. Since the uniformity of the injected impurities is not suitable in the chemical method, the methods of silicon doping by neutron irradiation method are strongly followed in the world. In this work, the potential of the thermal column of Tehran Research Reactor for silicon doping is investigated using MCNPX simulation code. The results show that the thermal neutron flux as well as the ratio of thermal to fast neutron flux in the optimal location are 1.2×1012 n/s.cm2 and 441, respectively, which shows that the thermal column of the Tehran research reactor can be a suitable place for silicon doping.


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