The study of neutron interactions with soft tissue using Monte Carlo simulation using the source PF



The most important part of neutron therapy treatment (NCT1) is to achieve a beam of neutrons with suitable energy and intensity, as well as the least pollution and damage. In this study, in order to correct the neutron spectrum from D-D fusion and its use in neutron therapy, a set of different materials which are called the Beam Shaping Assembly (BSA) was placed in the direction of energy 2.45 MeV neutrons output in such a way that the neutron beam intensity and energy output were appropriate for treatment. Moreover, the total yield coefficient 109 was considered. In this article IS set for a plasma focus device was designed and optimized by MCNPX2.6 code. The results of this study indicated that, according to BSA3 materials, epithermal neutrons were the best choice for energy range.


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