Calculation of the modulation transfer function in digital radiology for system of quality control




The usage of digital radiology systems with insufficient quality control of digital image detectors can efface inherent superiorities of digital systems in comparison with analogue radiology systems and even makes an increased level of patients’ radiation doses. Modulation transfer function (MTF) is one of the most important parameters related to image quality and digital detectors efficiency. In this study, MTFs of two digital radiology systems (namely, Swiss ray and Siemens) are measured using an edge reference block. The results then were used for the system evaluations. For MTF measuring, an edge reference block was constructed from a 0.8-mm-thick Cerrobend foil. The pre-sampled MTFs of the systems were measured using an edge method. The different MTF values were measured by changing dose levels at Siemens digital detectors surface. The Swiss ray digital detector slightly changed on that dose levels (less than 1%) and showed better results. These results are in good accordance with practical MTF measurements of Marshall et al research. Investigation showed that some quality control weaknesses existed in Siemens system. This is due to heavy work load and insufficient quality control of the system in proper time periods. Finally, this research showed the importance of quality control program and the importance of MTF parameter for quality control measurement of digital radiology systems.


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