The effect of sintering on thermoluminescence response of hydroxyl apatite nano-structure synthesized via hydrolysis method from dosimetric point of view




In this study, the pure nano-structure hydroxyl apatite samples were synthesized via hydrolysis method. The powder samples were sintered at various temperatures of 500°C, 700°C and 900°C in a furnace. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy systems were used to characterize the synthsized samples. Comparison of the glow curves shows that the most sensitivity and highest thermoluminescence (TL) intensity is belong to the samples sintered at 900°C. Dose response curve of the samples is linear in the dose range of 25Gy-1kGy. Other dosimetry characteristics such as dose-response function, fading, and reproducibility of the TL response were also studied. In order to eliminate the error originating due to fading effect, an annealing process was applied on the samples. The results shows that the sintered nano-structure hydroxyl apatite sample can be used for dosimetry in gamma radiation fields.


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