Design and fabrication of a new parallel plate ionization chamber for diagnostic X-Ray dosimetry




The use of gaseous ionization to calculate the absorbed dose of radiation beams is attractive because of its relative ease, suitable response, high accuracy and also cost-effectiveness. This work introduces the design and fabrication of a new parallel plate ionization chamber with two sensitive volumes. A series of standard tests was performed with x-rays, gamma radiation units, and beta sources at the Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL) in Karaj-Iran, for performance tests and calibration to assess the accuracy and reliability of the design. The stability, low leakage current and high ion collection efficiency are some of this instrument compared with the similar detectors. The result of performance tests showed the usefulness of this new parallel plate ionization chamber as a standard dosimeter in laboratories. Additionally, the Fluka Monte Carlo simulations provide useful information regarding energy deposition in the chamber’s sensitive volumes and the effect of various materials on the efficiency of the device


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