Measurement of radon concentration in some dwellings of Kashan city in Iran




Radon concentration was measured in some dwellings in Kashan city. List of buildings was chosen randomly including old buildings made up of mud brick & clay and new buildings constructed with bricks and cement. Population weighted Radon concentration survey was followed and measurements were carried out using polycarbonate (lexan) track detector at the levels of basement to second floor of the buildings. Obtained results show the maximum average radon concentration level in winter to be 127 Bqm-3, while in autumn is 108 Bqm-3, in spring is 96 Bqm-3and the minimum average radon concentration was measured in summer to be 85 Bqm-3. Also the analysis of the measured data show that in %95 of the measured dwellings the radon concentration level is bellow 300 Bqm-3, the reference level proposed by ICRP in 2009


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