Biological effects estimation of radioactivity discharge from Tehran research reactor after hypothetical accident




The nuclear reactors in normal or accidental operation due to error in safety system or natural hazards disperse radioactive material on the around public. Assessment of the Relative Risk (RR) and Probability Caution (PC) for personal and population around the reactor sites is essential for the reactor safety and environmental protection. It has been assumed radioactivity release from the 5 MW Tehran Research Reactor (TRR) following a hypothetical. First, the total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) was calculated for atmospheric stability classes (A–F), max and min wind speeds respectively were 13 and 2 m/s using HOTSPOT 2.07 health physics code. After that by the BEIR V equations, Relative Risk and Probability Caution for very unstable class was evaluated.
The computational results for accidental release are indicative of the fact that maximum TEDE values for personnel and population around the TRR site are lower than the annual permissible effective dose. According to the results, there is inverse relationship between TEDE and speed. Also unstable condition increases population absorbed dose. The relative risk and probability caution calculations, shows that RR and PC decreases with increasing age and therefore children are at the great risk of cancer.


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